Stepping into the arena of doing epic work and living an epic life takes courage.

That’s why you need someone in your corner,
a trusted advisor who can help you grow, thrive and win.

Who do you turn to?

We combine 32 years

of working with some of the world’s best leaders with a faith-based approach to helping smart, forward-thinking people bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be.

People come to us for one of four reasons:

Daring Leadership

The world has never been more hungry for leaders who recognize the potential in people and ideas, and who aren’t afraid to step into the arena of uncertainty, risk and exposure to develop them.

We’ve been certified in Brené Brown’s DARE TO LEAD™ courage building framework.

This involves helping our clients expand their influence, accelerate innovation and navigate change in four areas: rumbling with vulnerability, closing the values gap between what they say and do, growing trust and ditching shame/blame to create a better future.

Crafting-Delivering Speeches that Inspire

Pick the audience–customers, employees, board of directors, athletic team or the media–people want to know if you can connect. Are you vulnerable, transparent and authentic? Do you have conviction—the heart, mind and soul kind? Do you believe what you are saying? Can you tell a story? Do you care about me?

For most people this doesn’t come easy.

We work quietly and confidentially with leaders to build their confidence and turn bland messages into narratives that engage. Clear, concise and compelling makes you unforgettable–unforgettable turns employees and consumers into brand ambassadors.

We don’t just teach it, we practice it. We have given over 2000 presentations to 60 industries around the world. We know what works and want to share it with you.

Noble Cause–Courageous Culture

We help clients define their business as a CAUSE; not just a company. Then, turn their workforce and customer base into a movement.

People opt-in to movements. They aren’t manipulated.

When the business becomes a cause it creates the foundation for a COURAGEOUS CULTURE—a place where impassioned people show up fully-awake, fully-engaged, willing to have authentic, tough conversations and manage the creative tension that comes with innovation and change.

They do it because they have something worth changing for.

Insanely Great Life

Clients come to us because they want a more deeply connected, profoundly meaningful and adventurous life. We work with them to eliminate the fears that drain joy and zest out of their lives, to not be held hostage by history and to trade “just getting by” for a bigger YES!

When you start with knowing your life matters, not because of what you have or achieve, but because you are unconditionally loved by God, genuine freedom reigns.

We explore what it means to live loved, to be accepted and to find meaning by being included in the greatest story ever told. Our clients discover how self-giving, other-centered love, in every dimension of their lives, expands their impact in the world.

“he has a unique way of throwing a hardball softly”

Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers is one of the largest and most successful fire sprinkler contractors in the nation. Kevin has been an advisor to the president, Clark Gey, and Clark’s father, Wayne Gey, the founder.

Fortunately, Wayne and Clark have never rested on their success, they have used Kevin to address second generation family issues, break down walls and think outside the box of fire sprinklers to grow, thrive and win in a very competitive marketplace.

“I didn’t want a fly-by-night consultant.”

For seven years, Jackie has been working with Mehran Assadi, CEO and Chairman of National Life Group (NLG) to create a courageous culture where people own learning and performance and find meaning in what they do.

Jackie helped NLG define its CAUSE and then establish a campaign for enllisting 1700 corporate office employees and more than 30,000 field agents in this cause.

While most of the insurance industry is either declining or flatlining, NLG has experienced double-digit growth. In this clip Mehran discusses the link between a noble, heroic cause and their success at NLG.

Work that matters. Lives that count.
A role in an epic story.

Fact is, you were wired for this and we can help.

We want to help make your legacy epic.

Let’s talk and see if there’s chemistry.

before working with us you need to know

three major virtues influence our coaching:


Doing brave work and living a meaningful life requires grit–a special blend of passion and perseverance ignited by deep-seated conviction. Grit surfaces when you stand for something your truly believe in–a cause worth fighting for.

In turn, that cause helps you find the courage to step into uncertainty, risk and exposure, all of which come with spiritual maturity and organizational growth.

When talent overcomes insurmountable odds and rises to its true potential grit is always the facilitator.


Our coaching draws from our 25-plus-year journey toward freedom and aliveness and what it means to live loved. Created in the image of the Triune God and made for communion with the Trinity, we believe you are unconditionally loved and wholly accepted. This is the truth of who you are. That’s why it is called the Good News.

“Getting this” is where true, long-term transformation begins.


We’ve seen it played out many times in the gutsy, go-for-it leaders we’ve worked with–leaders who fill a room with energy, draw the best out of others, and stand for things that matter.

They are loved, respected and liked because of their strong convictions, other-orientations, self-effacing personalities and because they carry themselves with a kind of gravitas that is grounded in confident humility.

Want to become powerfully present without being overbearing?

We can help.


epic work and epic life are two sides of the same coin

Here’s how we see it:

Our personal lives

don’t automatically shut off when we walk into work and our professional lives don’t disappear when we go home. We might think we can compartmentalize, but the fact is, the boundaries are blurred.

Think of it like a mobile

hanging from the ceiling, if you “push or pull on” one part of your life it affects the others. This is why our coaching is not compartmentalized either. We are passionate about helping our clients do epic work and live epic lives.

Epic Work

A job fills your pocket. Epic work fills your soul.

We are raw, real and sometimes rambunctious thought leaders. We provoke, but mostly inspire opportunity-led vs. crisis-driven change in people and organizations who want to do work that matters.

Epic Life

It means different things to different people. But almost always it comes down to meaningful relationships, a sense of adventure, physical vitality, spiritual growth, financial peace, and a connection to community.

Whatever it is, we challenge our clients to renounce routine and resignation, to not be held hostage by history and to trade “just getting by” for a bigger YES! Make a splash.

Epic Story

What’s your story? Is it worth reading? There is an adventure with your name on it, waiting for you to step in and assume your role. You can play it safe or you can step into the arena of risk, uncertainty and exposure and find out what makes you come alive.

Wherever you are, leader of a team or person with an important dream, we want to help you write a bigger, better story. What would you do today if you were going to be really brave?

Epic Work

Who you are is how you lead. How do you show up at work? Are you a leader people want to be with? Do your customers and clients trust you? If you didn’t have a title would anyone follow you?

Our goal is to help you create a courageous culture that is adaptable, perpetually innovative and deeply engaging. How? We help you build confidence, grow credibility and trust, create team chemistry, and authentically connect to your people. Then, challenge them to solve problems that really matter.

Epic Life

Who are you as a spouse, partner, parent and friend? Does your view of God make you secure? Do you have strong, meaningful relationships and love in your life? Are you working toward financial peace? What about your physical capacity, do you have the energy to do what’s important to you? Are you using your gifts and talents to make the world better?

We focus on these elements because they are the currency of an epic life.

Significant growth and transformation requires choosing courage over comfort.

We are certified in the DARE TO LEAD™ courage building framework, based on the work of Brené Brown. It’s in our arsenal for facilitating change because it is a collection of four gritty skill sets that are 100% teachable, observable and measurable.

Rumbling with Vulnerability

Courage is the birthplace of trust, innovation, and personal and professional growth. There is no courage without vulnerability. That means ditching shame, stepping through fear, dropping your armor, and showing up fully, even in uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure.

Living Your Values

Courageous people don’t just profess values, they practice their values, even when it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable. They don’t willfully turn a blind eye to difficult situations and they aren’t silent about things that matter. Values have a value only when their value is valued.

Growing Trust

We grow trust incrementally through small gestures of vulnerability, connection and care. It’s exercising the bravado to set boundaries, act with integrity, be accountable to your actions, be a vault to privacies, discard judgment, and extend generosity.

Rising Strong

Rising strong is finding the courage to own our failures, setbacks and hurt so they don’t own us. It’s recognizing our shame and emotion triggers and rumbling with those emotions. Then, it’s writing a new ending to our life story.

Are you coachable?

Do you genuinely want to write a better story?

Do you have the humility to seek advice?

Are you willing to be uncomfortable to grow?

Do you genuinely want to 

get better?move forward?write a better story?

Do you have the humility to 

seek advice?own your issues?learn from others?

Are you willing to 

be vulnerable?be uncomfortable to grow?do hard things?