What Clients Are Saying About Jackie

“When Jackie finished her talk, people turned to each other and said “wow!”

They talked about the message and how it impacted them personally.”

“Jackie’s use of real Staples’ examples in her presentation is such a simple touch, but it was invaluable to the message and audience perception.”

“Jackie’s presentation absolutely changed the way I view my organization, my staff, and take accountability for MY attitude.

“I wasn’t looking for a fly-by consultant.”

Jackie has helped National Life Group become an extraordinary magnet for world-class talent.

During this “culture” journey NLG has become one of the fastest growing and most profitable insurance companies in the nation.


“Jackie’s presentation was right on target with McDonald’s values.

The messages around creating an empowering work environment were perfect!

“Jackie was a ROCK STAR!”

She was brilliant at weaving our culture into her message.

It has been awesome to work with her!”

“Her delivery style runs the gamut from humorous and thought provoking to touching the very heart of the audience.

Jackie customized her presentation making it relevant and personal to our group.”
