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The Great Resignation Is Here
We are in the midst of The Great Resignation and it is keeping executives up at night. So what’s the cause? It’s a silent killer stalking the halls and cubicles of businesses from coast to coast. It is slowly and steadily sucking the life out of people. It drains their enthusiasm, creativity, productivity and loyalty. And it cannot be treated with lavish bonuses and extravagant perks. Doing so treats the symptom, not the cause.
The deadly disease is boredom and the symptom is dead people working.
bring your team together
A good retreat means investing time and money in taking people off-site. So treat this like you would any other major initiative. Start early. Give it the time, energy, and resources needed to hit a home run, get the ROI you desire, and inspire your people to come back for more.
Jumpstart your planning with our free guide to unforgettable company retreats – sign up below and we’ll send the guide to your inbox right away.
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