9 Ways to Become a Better Leader
Be Ready for Future Challenges
A powerful way to become a better leader is to grow your Emotional Intelligence…
Even though it’s 2020, a lot of people inadvertently embrace a very narrow set of antiquated leadership traits.
McKinsey conducted a study to build the case for what skills are best for tackling future challenges. At the heart of this study are 9 leadership behaviors that both men and women bring to business although in different frequencies.
How about you…at what frequency do you demonstrate the top 6 leadership behaviors vs. the last 2 listed below? We’re not suggesting you ditch being decisive and taking corrective action, we’re simply suggesting you add to your “go to behaviors” and work on developing a more progressive set of leadership skills for tackling future challenges.
As we discuss in our We4We Playbook, it’s time for all leaders to collaborate, complement and strengthen each other in order to move the organization forward and create a culture that promotes innovation and growth.
What can you do?
To accelerate performance and grow accountability:
- Evaluate yourself and commit to modeling the top 6 behaviors.
- Hold your team accountable to growing these behaviors.
- Support and reward individuals who embody these behaviors.
- Offer corrective action to employees who don’t embody these behaviors.