1st Qtr Level-Up Strategies

Hit the Ground Running

johann wolfgang von goethe

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it, begin it now.”

The New Year is the perfect time to refresh and refocus. Here are 11 strategies to help you level up, stay competitive and get in shape physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

  • Go to bed and wake up one hour earlier.
    The best way to reset for leveling-up is to adjust your sleep pattern. Our bodies replenish and heal while sleeping, so getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to maintain optimal health.
  • Take cold showers.
    Even a blast of cold water for as long as you can stand is a great way to improve circulation and metabolism while increasing endorphins. Anything under 70 degrees does the trick.
  • Read 3 new books.
    Expand your mind, improve your knowledge and you’ll see the world with refreshed curiosity.
  • Invest in yourself.
  • Stop drifting through life, waiting for things to happen. Take concrete actions to grow your brand by developing a new habit or skill.
  • Raise your standards.
    Don’t settle. Get clear on what you want, then focus on how to achieve it.
  • Change a dysfunctional habit.
    It can take around 15-30 days to create a new habit. Replace a dysfunctional habit with a healthy one.
  • Limit or eliminate toxic relationships.
    Put a limit on spending time with people who leave you feeling depleted, judged, disrespected, misunderstood and abandoned.
  • Do 30 minutes of exercise every day.
    Just Do It! It doesn’t have to be a sweat fest, just move. The benefits are life-changing.
  • Eat clean and avoid sugar.
    Less sugar will improve your cognitive function, reduce inflammation and help you feel energized. Food can be your medicine or your poison.
  • Start a gratitude list and reflect on it every day.
    It’s suggested all the time…because it works! Gratitude improves your relationships, health, self-esteem and sleep.
  • Hold yourself accountable to all of the above.
    Cheers to Crushing 2021!

What can you do?

In the coming weeks, we’ll be offering a new online course: Crush Fear: Doing Brave Work, Building Resilience and Living EPIC. Keep an eye out for our email with early bird discounts just for our tribe!